Today was the last day of school for the 2020-2021 academic year. To say this year has been memorable would be an understatement. In a year that found many businesses shuttered and people wiping down their groceries with sanitizing wipes, we kept our doors opened for in-person classes. Granted, our enrollment numbers were greatly reduced and we had more than a few chilly days this winter with the windows open, circulating fans whirring, air purifier humming, and the heat cranked high. But we made it! Thank you for supporting our efforts this year. I think the Hogarth parents, staff and students made a great team, all working from the same playbook. We made it, folks! And I made a little photo montage set to songs I recorded of the children singing. It’s super low tech, and my singers were all masked. The air purifier and fan are running in the background, so there’s that, too. But you can still hear those sweet little voices singing from the heart.