March 3, 2025
Lily in EK: I’m making a popsicle stick house with Daddy. It’s for the fairies and me to play with. (What do you need to make a popsicle stick house?) Glue, paint and glitter.
Levi in EK: I saw the Dog Man movie at the movie theater. I liked the end. (Who did you go to the movies with?) Eoin and Daddy. I got candy but Eoin didn’t get candy because he had hot chocolate before we went. We got popcorn.
Skyler in EK: One day (of vacation) I think it was the last day we moved some of our play room around and I got rid of some of my toys because I had a lot of toys. We throwed a lot of them out but we still have some toys. I went to Auntie’s house and Geema they live in Boston and I went bowling and I got to throw the ball. My Auntie did my nails when I went in Boston and my sister got her nails painted too. Auntie is my Daddy’s sister and he has one more that lives way in Australia and my cousins are there, two of my cousins. Their names are Olivia and Sloan. Sloan’s gonna be 1 year old almost. Livia’s 2 years old. They come and visit sometimes and because it’s really far they have to take a plane overnight.
Blake in EK: We went to Nana’s and GooGoo’s and we did two sleeps there. (Where did you sleep?) I usually sleep in a bed but I usually sleep on the floor. We watched Scooby Doo and Inspector Gadget. I drew Auntie and me and I drew Nana and me.
Owen in EK: I went ice fishing and we caught a little fish and a big fish and then we threw them back in. (Who did you go with?) With my Mom and Dad and Benny and Jack. (How did you get the fish that was under the ice?) Daddy drilled a hole.
Gilbert in EK+: I went to the Portland Museum. I saw papier mache birds. (Who went with you?) Mom, Edie and Fred. (Did you go out to lunch?) There was a cafe there.
Atlee in PK: I like to watch TV. (What do you like to watch?) Sid the Science Kid. And I have a coloring book for Sid the Science Kid.